Seit 2020 blogge ich für das Team von konzepthaus zu den latest news aus dem HubSpot-Kosmos, zu spannenden Inbound-Marketing-Themen und neuesten Online-Marketing-Trends. konzepthaus Web Solutions mit Sitz im Allgäu und in NRW ist ein erfahrenerer Plattformberater und Integrationsspezialist für die CRM-Plattform HubSpot. Seit Februar 2022 ist die 2015 gegründete Digitalschmiede auch offizieller HubSpot Elite Solutions Partner – als erster Anbieter in Deutschland.
Global advertising flops are always good for a laugh. The "Fiat Uno", for example, did not do well in Finland. After all, who wants a car that indicates that the driver is an "idiot" ("Uuno")? Ignoring the cultural and linguistic context of the respective country when launching international campaigns can have embarrassing results. This is where transcreation comes in – creatively transferring the message to the respective foreign language in a way that is suited to the target group in question.
Read onThis checklist provides a short, concise overview of the topic of transcreation. What is transcreation, what can it do, what are its advantages, for which target groups and channels is it suitable - and how can a freelancer support you as a company in intercultural communication? Creative translation with added value - here are the facts.
Read onIf things go well, there it is, as if it had been there all along: the text. With no waffling, no mistakes or hesitations, a harmonious and uniform piece. With precisely expressed, comprehensible messages which capture and convince the reader and, if appropriate, motivate them to click or to purchase. But before convincing communication can take shape, many questions and a lot of research and thought are required – as well as the briefing.
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